after home use.
"Recently introduced Scan-Mate's fully adiustable and non-reflective instrument which definitively solves the problem. Scan-Mate allows me to quickly and clearly visualize the area to be scanned, helping to insure accurate, crisp, and clean images."Dr. Scott Ganz
"I have known Cherie Le Penske and Armor Dental for many years now. They are innovative and manufacture the highest quality products. I don't scan without using ScanMate, their soft retraction instrument. It makes my workflow easier knowing my patients are more comfortable, which means I can scan a lot faster. I am excited about Armor's entire soft retraction portfolio in development."Dr. Isaac Tawil
"85% of tissue pain and trauma post procedure is caused by harsh, metallic which is largely preventable. Armor Dental is revolutionizing soft tissue management and post procedure patient care and recovery."Dr. Marcus Abboud
"Many have tried to develop a good easy to use device for parents after release of the lingual frenum. Tongue Guide Home satisfies everything we need and want. Easy to use, comfortable and good for parents concerned about placing their fingers into their baby's mouth. For the surgeon doing these releases, Tongue Guide Pro is kinder, gentle yet firm and strong for controlling tongue movements during laser releases. (...)"Dr. Larry Kotlow

Parents speak out .

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